

This 5th annual competition was supported by Aero Pac (Amateur Rocket Group).
ARLISS dates back in 1999, when Prof. Twiggs (Stanford Univ) proposed this 350ml can-sized Satellite control competition. The rockets can bring the small satellites up to 4km and allows 15-20 minute experiments during parachute/parafoil descent.
This year six university teams took part in the competition over Black Desert, Nevada.


1 Nihon Univ 470m
Tokyo Inst. of Tech(TITECH) 3160m, 420m (no control)
Kyushu Univ 850m(no control)
Georgia Institute of Technology 1350m(no control)
University of Nevada 1657m(no control)
Tohoku Univ 2010m(no control)
Tokyo Univ 3930m(no control)
Default Souka Univ