Papers from the finalists of the 2nd Mission Idea Contest has been published from IAA Book Series. This book contains 18 papers with innovative ideas.
The 1st Mission Idea Contest was held in 2011 in Japan, and it has been held yearly or biyearly since then. The latest one was the 4th Mission Idea Contest was held in October 2016.
This book was used in Mission Idea Contest Workshop (Pre 3rd MIC) held on 23 Nov, 2013 as a supplementary textbook.
For more information, please visit IAA Shop(Sold here!) or feel free to contact UNISEC secretariat.

- Title
“Novel Ideas for Nanosatellite Constellation Missions’
- Number of Papers
- Price
80, – Euro
- Table of Contents
Category 1 Mission Idea and Satellite Design:
・SOLARA/SARA: Solar Observing Low-frequency Array for Radio Astronomy/Separated Antennas Reconfigurable Array
・Project of Micro-Satellite Constellation for Earthquake Precursor Study
・Nano-satellite Constellation Collecting Global Pre-earthquake Signals For Space-borne Early Earthquake Detectio
・AlbertaSat-1: Greenhouse Gas Monitoring for Industrial and Environmental Improvement
・Active Debris Removal mission with small satellite
・The OuterNet: A novel satellite communication relay constellation
・IDEA: In-situ Debris Environmental Awareness
・Small Communication Satellite Mission for Enhancement of Antarctic Investigations
・Laser-Assisted Rain Control Constellation (LARC-CON)
・Droplet stream orbital debris mitigation
・LeSTAR (Lessius Satellite for Teaching and Autonomous Research)
・ASAT: Low cost integration approach for Sun-Earth exosphere interaction measurements.
Category 2 Business Model and Satellite Design:
・Underground and surface water detection and monitoring using a micro satellite
・A Mission Idea and Business Model for Thermal Infrared Remote Sensing Using Nano-Satellites for Multiple Environmental Applications
・Global Tracking System
・Satellite real time monitoring of water flood and quality in Tunisia
・IRS-Sat: integrated rescue service satellite
・Commercializing Weather Prediction
- Reference
MIC 2 Page
Pre-MIC 3 workshop
IAA Shop