Papers from the finalists of the 1st Mission Idea Contest has been published from IAA Book Series. This book contains 14 papers with innovative ideas.
The 1st Mission Idea Contest was held in 2011 in Japan, and it has been held yearly or biyearly since then. The latest one was the 4th Mission Idea Contest was held in October 2016.
For more information, please visit IAA Shop(Sold here!) or feel free to contact UNISEC secretariat.

- Title
“Novel Ideas for Nanosatellite Constellation Missions’
- Number of Papers
- Price
80, – Euro
- Table of Contents
・Integrated Meteorological / Precise Positioning Mission Utilizing Nano-Satellite Constellation
・Distributed Multispectral Imaging System
・The Service for Individual to Meet Space; Future Space Funeral
・ExoplanetSat Constellation
・Northern Communication and GPS-based science Nanosatellite constellation mission
・Space Advertiser (S-VERTISE)
・Constellation of small quick-launched and self-deorbiting nanosatellites with AIS receivers for global ship traffic monitoring
・Nanosatellite formation flying with electrodynamic tether for engineering and scientific applications
・Demonstration of Optical Stellar Interferometry with Near Earth Objects (NEO) using Laser Range Finder by a Nano; Satellite Constellation: A Cost effective approach
・A Global Water Pollution Monitoring Satellite System (WAMS)
・Fire Alarm Constellation
・Medium/large vehicle tracking system
・Global Water Pollution Monitoring Using a Nanosatellite Constellation (WAPOSAT)
・Nanosatellite constellation for monitoring of chemical composition of Earth atmosphere
- Reference
MIC Official Page
IAA Shop