The Prize of the Minister for Foreign Affairs at the 4th Space Development Utilization Grand Prize was awarded to KAWASHIMA Rei, Secretary General of UNISEC-Global. The award ceremony was held at the Ministry’s Headquarters in Tokyo and attended by Mr. NAKAYAMA Norihiro, Parliamentary Vice-Minister, on behalf of the Foreign Minister, Mr. MOTEGI Toshimitsu.
You can see more projects and people who were awarded at “The 4th Space Development and Utilization Awards” by the following link: 4th Space Development Awards list (Japanese version)
More about the UNISEC-Global International Space Education and Awareness Activities you can see by the link: Foreign Minister Award (Japanese version)
UNISEC member organization have also received the following award in “Education of micro satellite technology to Asian countries and construction of practical use network” (Tohoku University & Hokkaido University). You can learn more about their project by this link: Education of micro satellite technology to Asian countries and construction of practical use network
The following have been awarded for events involving UNISEC: regional revitalization, human resource development and corporate cooperation centered on the Noshiro Space Event in Noshiro City, Akita Prefecture (Akita Space Consortium). You can see details about Noshiro Space event by following link: Noshiro Space Event (English version)