
17th ARLISS competition was held in 2015.
33 teams from all over the world participated in the event, 17 from Japan, 4 from Korea, 8 from US, 2 from Egypt, and 2 from Peru. The competition was held in cooperation with AeroPac in Black Rock Desert of Nevada, USA.

Schedule Content
September 13th, Sunday Preparation
September 14 – 17, Mon – Thu Opening ceremony / Competition
September 18th, Friday Breakfast meeting

In this year’s ARLISS, comeback competiton and mission competition took place. There were three awards in total. Comeback competition had two awards, accuracy award for how close the CanSat came to the goal and technology award for excellence in skills used. Mission competition had best mission award where the winner was chosen by vote. There was also UNISEC Award which is given to the best CanSat throughout the competition.

September 13th
【Preparation / Networking event】

All the participants of ARLISS gathered at noon in Bruno’s Country Club at Gerlach, NV, which is the closest town to the desert. They had a preparatory meeting regarding safety precautions and networking event.
Each participants explained their CanSat’s specification. After the meeting, people had free talk time with other members where they had active discussion on each other’s CanSat’s technology.
After the meeting, all the members went to the launch site by car. At the launch site, they prepared the tent.
After the tent preparation, each member were allowed to go to launch site and took GPS data of the point.

September 14 – 17
【Opening Ceremony / Competition】

Opening ceremony was held form 8am on the 14th. Ken from Aeropac gave notice on precautions and said opening remarks.

テントでの様子 ロケットと記念撮影
走行するCanSat 記念撮影
競技の様子 競技の様子
ロケットと記念撮影 競技の様子

September 18th
Breakfast meeting

On September 18th, the next day after the competition ended, each team gathered and presented their results. Voting for the mission competition was held after the presentation, and the best team was decided.

表彰の様子 表彰の様子
表彰の様子 集合写真