ACCESS MAP to TAKEDA Frontier Science Hall:
- From Nezu Station, Chiyoda Line (5minutes walk)
After getting out from the No.1 Entrance, please turn right.
Then, you will find the crossroad.
After crossing the traffic road, please turn right and go uphill.
You will find the entrance of TAKEDA Frontier Science Hall
(the photo below) at the middle of uphill on your left.
- From Todaimae Station, Nanboku Line (5minutes walk)
After getting out from the No.1 Entrance, please turn left.
Then, you will find the crossroad(Yayoicho police sta. is here).
Please turn right at the Yayoicho police station and go downhill.
You will find the entrance of TAKEDA Frontier Science Hall
(the photo below) at the middle of uphill on your right.
MAP around the TAKEDA Frontier Sceience Hall

The Entrance of TAKEDA Frontier Hall
