photo by ©JAXA
Date:9th November 2024
Time:09:00 - 12:00 (JST)
Location:HIMEJI, Hyogo, Japan and online
Registration:To be announced

Future Deep Space Exploration

The UNISEC DEEP SPACE WORKSHOP is an international event aimed at fostering collaboration and knowledge exchange among key players in the field of deep space exploration. We are excited to invite experts from space agencies, private companies, and universities worldwide to join us as panelists. This workshop provides a unique platform for discussing the latest advancements, challenges, and future directions in deep space exploration.

Pre-Workshop Conference

The Space Sciences and Technology Conference will be held prior to this workshop on 5-8 November 2024 at HIMEJI. We are exploring collaboration opportunities with the conference!

Event Details

Sponsored by:DENTSU Scholarship Foundation
Panelists:TBD (We are actively seeking distinguished panelists)

Contact Information

For inquiries and further information, please contact:
Hirotaka Sekine
Email: sekine[at]space.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp